Building a marketing strategy

Building a marketing strategy

Often businesses do not yet have a defined marketing strategy, or have a wider business strategy that they have not yet integrated into their marketing activity. But how can you expect to grow, innovate and create meaningful results when you don’t have a developed strategy in place? The first step to building out an effective marketing strategy is to truly understand what you want to achieve.

SMART objectives 

Initially brainstorm the key objective you want to achieve within your digital marketing strategy, answering the question – what is the overriding objective you want your digital marketing efforts to achieve? Then consider how this mission you have set out fits into your overall business plan. One of the best ways to set your marketing goals is to use the SMART framework:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound



An example of a SMART objective would be:
‘Grow our existing email list by 1,000 subscribers during Q3 so that we have a captive audience to promote our webinars to.’


Measuring success 

Once you have set out a clear digital goal you are working towards, it’s time to decide how you will measure its success, and how you will be held accountable for achieving it. Here you need to determine KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) relevant to your goal, but keep them realistic. If you analyse your previous digital marketing efforts first, you can determine a positive increase on your current results without setting expectations too high.

Ensure you identify a method to help you measure each of your KPIs; will you use Google Analytics to measure conversions or social media analytics to track engagement? You can then create a KPI specific goal. se the template below to help you out:

(Insert goal, e.g. increase traffic) by (insert figure)% in (insert number of months)


Creating your strategy 

After you have identified your KPIs, which should align to the goals you decided on initially, you can work towards creating an effective and meaningful marketing strategy with measurable and attainable goals. Having something to work towards keeps marketing efforts focused and ensures they are adapted to achieve the best results. That’s right, create a plan but DON’T stick to it – allow it to adapt with information you collect to achieve the best possible outcome.

Have some idea of what you want but not sure how to get it down into words? Let us take the pressure off, Inflowing regularly help clients with overall brand messaging and purpose – yours could be next. Get in touch.