7 fail-safe tips for building website content

7 fail-safe tips for building website content

Who said building up your website content was an easy task? When it comes to building website content there are many things to take into consideration. Remember that the better your content, the more your visitors will respond to it and the more they’ll be engaged with your business.

Continue reading to equip yourself with all the information that you need to create incredible content for your website. We have put together 7 fail-safe tips, that will help you – on your journey to truly valuable and useful content.


#1: State your purpose

This first tip has to do with your content length. Keep it simple and concise! Think about yourself as a reader and how you consume content. On average 55% of all page views get less than 15 seconds of attention. Users tend to skim the information on your blog.

There are a number of ways to assist the reader and make the content more skimmable. Think about using white space and big headers, keep it short. Highlighting keyphrases and using bullet points will be of big help too.


#2: Clear Navigation

Linked with the previous tip, it is essential that we keep an intuitive website structure, so visitors can find what they want without guessing or spending a lot of time navigating around your site. The guiding principle – your website navigation should allow someone to land on any page on your site and find what they need within 3 clicks. 

You want your content to be organised on different pages. It is important that you set a page hierarchy where your services are reflected and that you keep this in mind for a satisfying user experience. The simpler the better!


#3: The right tone and voice

A formal tone and voice might seem like the best option, but this can separate you from your reader and come across a bit cold. Go for a conversational but professional tone, so it feels that you are speaking directly to the visitor. Think of it almost as a one-to-one conversation!


#4: Keep the information relevant

Customers expect you and your site, to be honest, and transparent. They are searching to educate themselves and find the answers they need. For this reason, state clearly why your company is the right choice. Some good choices to reinforce this point would be providing “about us” sections or testimonials.


#5: SEO strikes back

In digital marketing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of the most important tactics. Your site and your content have to be easy to find by search engines. Good SEO will allow you to rank better for keywords relevant to your business and your services,  and therefore give you more chance of being seen by your potential customers. It’s vital to keep SEO in mind while developing your website content.


#6: Keep your site updated

There is nothing worse than visiting a site and seeing that the information is old. It completely undermines your authority and credibility. This is why continually updating your site with fresh content is very important, – review and remove outdated information, and make sure you update it with your most up to date offerings and insight. 


#7: Call to actions everywhere

A call to action (CTA) is something that prompts a direct response (or action) from a user – you’re telling them what you want them to do next. You can imagine how important CTAs are to bring value and return on investment to your site.

Lead the visitors to contact you or engage with you from strategic spots in your page and content. .  You should provide them with the right CTA at the right moment.


In Summary

You might be thinking; there’s too much stuff to take into consideration! However, these seven fail-safe tips are good building blocks to create content that will lead to marketing success. 


About Inflowing

Inflowing is a B2B marketing agency. We help B2B organisations do meaningful things with marketing – whether that’s getting more leads, more visibility, or supporting their sales teams.

We’re an experienced team of marketers with an incredibly strong background in B2B. To learn more about B2B and improving your marketing, check out our other blogs or get in touch.